Monday, January 3, 2011

The holidays

We had an amazing time at Legoland with Nate and Dominic Skinner. Check out my facebook page for additional pictures
Savannah and I hiked the White Tanks with our friends Megan, Tanner, and Cameron. Fabulous day for a hike!

The holidays are over... :( but on to a new year! and new adventures.... We had an amazing holiday with friends and family and are so grateful for all that we have... We took the holiday break to break our precious Savannah of her paci and her pull ups (well we still put them on her at night). So far we are off to a good start, however the hour it takes her to go to bed now, I almost want to give in with her paci! My baby girl is growing up so fast. Hard to believe that she will be 3 in 3 months! Yikes.... A new year also means new decisions... I have had some interesting oppurtunities arise and I am pondering different things that may be better for my family... We shall see what happens... Not sure the direction I want to take. It is one of those things that I may be dammed if I do and dammed if I dont... Hope that everyone had an amazing holiday!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a nice holiday! Just don't tell my boys you went to LegoLand, they would be too jealous. ;-)
